The Vision

Terry Ward remembers it like yesterday - the sprawling fields, the whispering creeks, the sense of community under a vast sky. Growing up in the countryside left an indelible mark on him, a yearning for connection with nature and neighbors that never faded. Years later, that very yearning blossomed into a remarkable vision: Country Communities. It wasn't just about building houses; it was about recreating the magic of his childhood for others. Every rolling hill, every watering hole, every majestic oak in a Country Communities development whispered a promise - a promise of a life lived close to nature, yet close enough to the city's embrace. The Country Communities concept wasn't a blueprint; it was a dream, Terry Ward's dream, coming to life.

“When you step on that land, whether you’re conscious of it or not, you experience something – you smell something, see something, feel something in your body.”

Terry Ward wasn't one for crowded streets and towering buildings. He craved wide-open spaces, the whisper of wind through tall grass, and the symphony of crickets under a star-dusted sky. So, he started looking beyond the city limits, seeking out hidden gems – expansive tracts of land nestled comfortably near bustling metropolises. These weren't ordinary plots; they were canvases for a new kind of living. Terry envisioned rolling landscapes dotted with vibrant wildflowers and majestic oaks, whispering creeks carving their way through the land. He saw families picnicking under the shade of ancient trees, children chasing fireflies in the twilight, and neighbors gathering under a sky brimming with stars. That's when the magic began. Terry, with a keen eye for detail, transformed these raw spaces into Country Communities. He meticulously crafted infrastructure, ensuring a seamless transition for residents. The result? A haven – close enough to the city's convenience, yet far enough away to embrace the peace and tranquility of the countryside.

“You feel safe — like you’re coming home and leaving the busyness of your world out there… somewhere else.”


Terry Ward: Building Dreams and Communities

President / Chief Executive Officer

Terry Ward's passion for real estate began in 1981, and his keen eye for development has transformed landscapes ever since. Throughout his career, he's not only designed and built thriving commercial ventures for companies like Walgreens and Kelsey-Seybold Clinic, but he's also fostered long-lasting relationships with these industry leaders.

However, Terry's vision extended beyond commercial success. In 1999, a yearning for a deeper connection to nature sparked a revolutionary concept: Country Communities. This wasn't just about building houses; it was about crafting a lifestyle. Over 6,000 acres of land have been meticulously transformed into havens where residents can embrace the tranquility of the countryside while remaining close to city conveniences.

Terry's dedication to quality extends beyond the picturesque landscapes. Country Communities is backed by a team of top professionals, from engineers and land planners to home builders and leading brokers. This commitment to excellence ensures a seamless experience for residents, allowing them to focus on creating lasting memories in their slice of country paradise.

M. Isabelle Orrick: The Financial Cornerstone

CFO / Certified Public Accountant

Isabelle Orrick is the steady hand guiding the financial success of Terry Ward's ventures. Since joining forces in 1998, she has served as both Chief Financial Officer and Controller, playing a vital role in the growth of all business endeavors. Her expertise has been instrumental in surpassing a cumulative revenue of $140 million.

Isabelle brings over 20 years of experience to the table, encompassing a wide range of financial disciplines. From Corporate and Partnership tax to Fiduciary and Individual Income Tax, her knowledge is comprehensive. She's also a skilled strategist, leveraging her expertise to guide financial reporting, operations, and advise on critical.

Isabelle holds a Bachelor's degree in Accounting from Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi, and is a licensed CPA in the state of Texas. This combination of academic excellence and professional experience makes her an invaluable asset to the team.


Contact Us
Which Communities are you interested in?

Terry Ward, President & CEO
PO Box 690627
Houston, Texas 77269

Office 713.690.1000
Cell 281.380.8080